Street Department

About Us

The City of Hartwell Street Department is supervised by James Harbin and consists of seven employees. This department is in charge of the maintenance program that covers approximately fifty (50) miles of surface roads to insure safety to all. Duties include patching of pot holes, keeping drainage ditches open and flowing, removal of obstructions such as fallen tries, limbs, etc., maintaining and insuring that street and road signs are properly replaced. This department also maintains sidewalks and hand rails for the downtown business area. Also, keeping the downtown area clean and beautiful is included in the duties of the Street Department.

This Department also services the removal of limb and leaf debris. This pickup service is run on a weekly basis, which during peek season can take up to 10 days for pick-up. Limbs and leaves are placed on the front property line by residents to be picked up by the Street Department. Leaves and grass, if bagged, will be picked up year round, loose or non-bagged will only be picked up from October until April. For safety, residents need to be aware of obstructing the view of motorist when placing items on curbside. Items need to be separated and placed in an orderly manner. This will help make pick-up faster and safer for all.

Commercial tree cutting and yard maintenance is not collected by the City and should be disposed of by the contractor.

The Street Department also provides street sweeping for the downtown streets. Only streets with curbing are included in the sweeping schedule.

Any inquires or requests for service may be addressed by phoning (706) 376-4756 or (706) 856-3233.

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Nick Sanders Street Department Supervisor (706) 856-3233